In the past, mole removal or cyst removal were rarely considered to be a necessary treatment and some still consider it to be a cosmetic procedure. Moles are common growths on the skin that can occur anywhere on the body. Most moles form during childhood and a majority of people will have moles appear before adulthood. These are typically brown or black in color and may or may not form in groups. Some moles can change in appearance over the years and other may even disappear in time. If you have a mole that you wish to have removed, you should avoid natural mole removal remedies and have a medical professional inspect the mole prior to and after surgery.
Skin cysts are noncancerous pockets of tissue that can form anywhere on your skin and may be filled with fluid, pus or fibrous material. These blemishes may feel like a small pea under the surface and are normally painless unless they rupture or become infected. Cysts can form around foreign objects, such as earrings, or may be the result of a clogged oil gland or minor skin infection. Commonly, sebaceous cysts form under the skin from blocked oil glands. Whether a cyst removal is required or elected, your doctor will make a small incision to remove the sac. If not, the cyst will likely return. In some skin types, following a cyst removal or mole removal the treated area may leave a scar that will usually disappear in time.
In today's era of concern over personal appearance, more people are electing to have unsightly moles and cysts removed rather than just living with them. Mole removal, cyst removal and skin tag removal are similar minor procedures that can be performed in our office at PrimeMed. One of our highly skilled doctors can usually remove the blemish in about 15 to 20 minutes. After a procedure, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if infection was present or suspected. To make certain a mole or cyst was not cancerous, a sample of the tissue removed may be sent to a lab for further testing. Follow-up visits are usually not required but your doctor may recommend the use a sunscreen for a few months once the impacted area is completely healed.
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