The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in the United States recommends that you and your family get a flu shot each year when it becomes available in your community. Those who have a severe allergy to eggs or have had an allergic reaction to a previous flu shot should not get a shot prior to consulting with a physician. The vaccine is not approved for children younger than 6 months of age and should not be administered to anyone who is currently sick. However, once you've recovered from the illness, you should be vaccinated. If you have had Guillain-Barré Syndrome, tell you doctor and he or she will help you decide whether you should be vaccinated.
The common cold and influenza are both respiratory illnesses but are uniquely caused by different viruses. Generally, flu symptoms are much more severe than those associated with a cold, such as body aches, fever, tiredness and a more intense cough. Individuals suffering from a cold virus are more likely to have chest congestion, a stuffy nose or runny eyes. Normally, a cold does not result in serious health problems where as the flu can lead to very dangerous secondary infections like pneumonia. Since the flu season begins in early fall, it is recommended to get your shot as soon the vaccine is distributed to the medical providers. But, it is never too late to be vaccinated for any given flu season.
The best way to avoid the health risks associated with the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. Annually, about 1/5 of the population in the U.S. will suffer with a flu virus costing businesses over $75 million in missed work days. Despite vaccination recommendations from Department of Health, many people still ignore the government's warnings and will contact this contagious respiratory illness. Unfortunately, there will be numerous deaths directly related to cases of influenza.
NOTE: Individuals at high risk for serious flu complications, such as elderly family members, young children and those with certain health conditions, should consult with a medical professional each fall to determine the best time to get a flu shot.
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